proto_dist inet_ssl STILL broken in R10B-8?

Fredrik Thulin ft@REDACTED
Wed Oct 26 21:45:07 CEST 2005

Is anyone able to use SSL proto_dist in R10B-7 or R10B-8? I am not, and 
I am wondering if it is

	A) just me
	B) officially broken
	C) unofficially broken

$ /pkg/erlang/R10B-8/bin/erl \
	-proto_dist inet_ssl \
	-ssl_dist_opt client_certfile cert.comb \
	-ssl_dist_opt server_certfile cert.comb \
	-ssl_dist_opt verify 2 \
	-boot ~/path/to/R10B-8-compiled/start_ssl \
	-name a

... nothing happens, it just hangs there.


----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Fwd: proto_dist inet_ssl broken in R10B-7?
Date: Saturday 10 September 2005 10.26
From: Fredrik Thulin <ft@REDACTED>
To: erlang-bugs@REDACTED


I got a private reply from someone saying they have the exact same
problem, so I therefor conclude that it is not just me but a bug that
appeared in R10B-7. Hence this post to erlang-bugs@REDACTED


----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: proto_dist inet_ssl broken in R10B-7?
Date: Friday 02 September 2005 11.39
From: Fredrik Thulin <ft@REDACTED>
To: erlang-questions@REDACTED


Is it just me, or is -proto_dist inet_ssl broken in R10B-7?

R10B-6 :

$ /pkg/erlang/R10B-6/bin/erl \
	-proto_dist inet_ssl \
	-ssl_dist_opt client_certfile cert.comb \
	-ssl_dist_opt server_certfile cert.comb \
	-ssl_dist_opt verify 2 \
	-boot ~/path/to/R10B-6-compiled/start_ssl \
	-name a
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.8 [source] [hipe]

Eshell V5.4.8  (abort with ^G)

$ /pkg/erlang/R10B-7/bin/erl \
	-proto_dist inet_ssl \
	-ssl_dist_opt client_certfile cert.comb \
	-ssl_dist_opt server_certfile cert.comb \
	-ssl_dist_opt verify 2 \
	-boot ~/path/to/R10B-7-compiled/start_ssl \
	-name a

R10B-7 just hangs. Same cert.comb.

R10B-6 start_ssl.rel :

%% Erlang OTP R10B-6 library versions
%% File to get Erlang distribution using SSL started
{release, {"Yxa foo","0.0"}, {erts, "5.2"},
  {ssl, "3.0.7"}

R10B-7 start_ssl.rel :

%% Erlang OTP R10B-7 library versions
%% File to get Erlang distribution using SSL started
{release, {"Yxa foo","0.0"}, {erts, "5.2"},
  {ssl, "3.0.7"}




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