gen_server and priority queues
Andreas Hillqvist
Tue Oct 25 11:21:09 CEST 2005
Why not write:
handle(State) ->
handle([high, medium, low], State).
handle([], State) ->
receive {_Priority, Msg} ->
do(Msg, State)
handle([Priority | Tail], State) ->
receive {Priority, Msg} ->
do(Msg, State)
after 0 ->
handle(Tail, State)
Simplifies management of priorities.
Richard Cameron skrev:
> I want to implement a server which processes messages in order of
> priority. I know I can do this in pure Erlang as:
> handle(high, State) ->
> receive {high,Msg} ->
> do(Msg,State)
> after 0 ->
> handle(medium, State)
> end;
> handle(medium, State) ->
> receive {medium,Msg} ->
> do(Msg, State)
> after 0 ->
> handle(low, State)
> end;
> handle(low, State) ->
> receive {_,Msg} ->
> do(Msg, State)
> end.
> ... but what I really want is to be able to do this within OTP's
> gen_server behaviour. Is there a nice way to do this, or do I just
> need to roll my own server and then attach it to my supervision tree
> with a bridge?
> Richard.
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