Fwd: Newbee questions about using, compiling and running Erlang module

Simon Chappell simonpeterchappell@REDACTED
Thu May 12 16:15:32 CEST 2005

Forgot to reply all. Sorry.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bengt Kleberg <bengt.kleberg@REDACTED>
Date: May 12, 2005 3:39 AM
Subject: Re: Newbee questions about using, compiling and running Erlang module
To: Simon Chappell <simonpeterchappell@REDACTED>

Simon Chappell wrote:
> I needed this information for my personal open-source project that I'm
> working on. It's a multi-language test runner and I was trying to add
> Erlang to the list of languages it understands. It explicitly needs to
> be able to compile and run programs from the command-line and also to
> capture their standard out.
> http://simonpeter.com/technology/software/zadok/
> Simon


since the subject matter of zadok is one that i am very intertested in
(or rather was, since time no longer permits...) i had a look.

in zadok.sh i ofuund the following:

        erlVersionOutput=`erl -s init stop > erl.version.txt`
        erlVersion=`cat erl.version.txt | head -1 | cut -f 2 -d " "`

have you considered replacing ''erl -s init stop'' with something like this:
''erl -version''

also, since the user you where helping is not trying to test existing
code it might be slightly clearer to write hello like this:


main() ->
        io:fwrite("hello, world\n").

and run it with:
erl -noshell -s hello main

(have you tested your command line: erl -noshell -s hello -s init stop
i would think that is should have been:
erl -noshell -s hello start -s init stop)

i admit that ''-s init stop'' on the command line is very useful, but
perhaps it is better tought at a slightly later stage?


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