OTP: erlang:list_to_float
Alexander Williams
Thu May 12 11:34:27 CEST 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005, 5:26:47 AM:
ML> According to the draft erlang spec, "3" is not a valid
ML> representation of a float literal. See section 3.12 of
ML> http://www.erlang.org/download/erl_spec47.ps.gz
ML> I'm guessing that float_to_list/1 follows the same rules, and that
ML> doesn't seem so odd. I was a bit surprised that io_lib:fread("~f",
ML> "3") doesn't give me the float 3.0000, though.
Rather annoying to run into purely unexpectedly when in the midst of
hacking of some Yaws processing of data back from MySQL. ("Er, "3"
is a badarg? Excuse me?") Nothing I couldn't hack around by simply
searching the string for a "." and then appending ".0" if one wasn't
found, but it was vaguely annoying to have to do so.
It almost makes one long for a list_to_number generalized function
that returns a float or int as appropriate to what it's handed, when
you don't care about the result.
ML> While on the subject of punctuation, you're missing the ':' after
ML> 'http' in your sig:
>> The Squid's Redoubt: http//chancel.org:8000/Redoubt
You are absolutely correct, sir, and the amusing bit is it must've
been like that for a good 6mo now with me not noticing. [facepalm]
Despite it being at the bottom of every email I send.
There you go. Your good deed for the month. :)
Alexander Williams (thantos@REDACTED)
The Squid's Redoubt: http://chancel.org:8000/Redoubt
Currently Playing: They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse In Your Soul
Album: Flood
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