Background exe not exiting

maruthavanan s maruthavanan_s@REDACTED
Wed May 4 12:08:36 CEST 2005


I am using erlang interface to communicate with c exe and erlang 
windows enviroment
I have used the same concept used in samples of erlang interface....
I am using os:cmd(name of the exe) to execute the c exe.

I am able to pass messages to and fro between erlang and C exe. when i close 
the program my C exe is not exiting....but my C exe is closing when i try 
without using os:cmd()....i.e i am opening the erlang node and then running 
my c exe..when the connection is established i close the erlang node..this 
time exe closes by it self...

What could be wrong...?
can any one please help me in this regard...


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