How can i access the other header of yaws arg structure
Håkan Stenholm
Thu Jul 21 22:45:36 CEST 2005
>In this the fourth element of other header itself
>looks like a record.. that means i should look for the
>record definition of other, or is it possible to
>pattern match and get the actual IP?
>[_,_,FourthElement|_] = (A#arg.headers)#headers.Other
The above will not work Other should be other - as Other is a variable
rather than a atom which is required for a record field name - records
are internaly stored as tuples and all acess calls are translated to
(erlang:)element/2 calls, the use of atoms is presumably required to be
able map record fieldnames to tuple positions at compile time.
See "Programming Examples"
in the web documentation for a more indeapth explanation about records
as well as chapter 8 in the "Erlang Reference Manual"
web page.
>[_,_,_,_,IP] = FourthElement
>Fourth Element of other header actually contains the
>IP address which I am interested to access.
>Will the above work?
I'm somewhat unsure what kind or records / data objects are stored in
headers.other but you will probably want to do something like:
%% select appropriate misc.header
[_,_,Element|_] = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
%% get the IP address from Element
[_,_,_,_,IP] = Element,
%% In your example you asume that the entry Element, from the misc. headers,
%% is a 5 element list containing a IP address as it's last element.
%% A personal guess would be that Element is a record with a 'ip' field where
%% the ip is probably stored as a list of integers (e.g. [127,123,100,5]) so
%% IP would be retrived as:
IP = Element#somerecord.ip %% calls element(#somerecord.ip, Element)
%% or
#somerecord{ip = IP} = Element %% pattern match syntax that allows
retrieval of
%% several record fields
%% this could be combined into
[_,_,#somerecord{ip = IP}|_] = (A#arg.headers)#headers.other,
%% if you prefer to nest the pattern matching code - I usually find this
%% cumbersome to read especially if there are several '='.
%% You could even use:
#headers{other = [_,_,#somerecord{ip = IP}|_]} = A#arg.headers,
%% or
#arg{header = #headers{other = [_,_,#somerecord{ip = IP}|_]}} = A,
>A= {arg,#Port<16338.534>,
> {headers,undefined,
> "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap,
>image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*",
> "",
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0;
>Windows NT 5.1)",
> undefined,
> [],
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> undefined,
> "false"},
> {http_header,
> 49,
> undefined,
> ""},
> {http_header,
> 7,
> 'Via',
> undefined,
> "1.1
>(Alteon iSD-SSL/5.5)"},
> {http_header,
> 0,
> undefined,
> ""},
> {http_header,
> 10,
> undefined,
> "gzip,
> {http_header,
>--- Håkan Stenholm <hakan.stenholm@REDACTED>
>>>I have a arg record A passed by the yaws webserver
>>>the web application:
>>>How can i access the 3rd element of the other
>>>whereas I have the other header itself is available
>>#headers.other appears to be a list, the third
>>element of a list can be accessed in two ways:
>>%% using pattern matching
>>[_,_,ThirdElement|_] = List
>>%% or
>>%% using nth/2 in the lists module
>>ThirdElement = lists:nth(3, List)
>>>A= {arg,#Port<16338.534>,
>>> {headers,undefined,
>>> "image/gif,
>>>image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/
>>>pjpeg, */*",
>>> "",
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> "Mozilla/4.0
>>>(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT
>>> undefined,
>>> [],
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> undefined,
>>> [{http_header,
>>> 0,
>>> undefined,
>>> "false"},
>>> {http_header,
>>> 49,
>>> undefined,
>>> {http_header,
>>> 7,
>>> 'Via',
>>> undefined,
>>> "1.1
>>>(Alteon iSD-SSL/5.5)"},
>>> {http_header,
>>> 0,
>>> undefined,
>>> {http_header,
>>> 10,
>>> undefined,
>>> "gzip,
>>> {http_header,
>>> 11,
>>> undefined,
>>> "en-us"}]},
>>> undefined,
>>> "/",
>>> [],
>>> undefined,
>>> .... and much more
>>>The records arg and header are defined as below:
>>>-record(arg, {
>>> clisock, %% the socket leading to
>>>peer client
>>> headers, %% headers
>>> req, %% request
>>> ..... some more
>>> }).
>>>-record(headers, {
>>> connection,
>>> accept,
>>> host,
>>> if_modified_since,
>>> if_match,
>>> if_none_match,
>>> if_range,
>>> if_unmodified_since,
>>> range,
>>> referer,
>>> user_agent,
>>> accept_ranges,
>>> cookie = [],
>>> keep_alive,
>>> location,
>>> content_length,
>>> content_type,
>>> content_encoding,
>>> authorization,
>>> transfer_encoding,
>>> other = [] %% misc other headers
>>> }).
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