ex11, plotting and Cairo ...
Vlad Dumitrescu
Wed Jul 20 11:29:01 CEST 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB)" <joe.armstrong@REDACTED>
> I see things the problem is more one of "programming models" than making
> an Erlang interface to X (replace X by your favourite package).
As I've also been struggling with this, I'd like to throw in my two cents.
About programming models: One important feature of an Ernalg graphics
package would be (for me) that it is "erlangish", and doesn't force me to
use C-like code. A good example of what I mean is ex11, but one reason why
it works so easily is that X itself works just like we want it to. Making a
regular graphics package work like that is much harder.
> One thing I did find was that the only model I like is based on a canvas
> widget. To create buttons (and controls in general) I just draw rectangles
> and lines
> onto a canvas widget and animate them on mouse clicks.
That's what all toolkits do :-) If an "erlang programming model" is to be
enforced, then this is probably the only way, to use external code for the
low-level drawing.
> << aside - why can't we just define a low-level API and then layer
> graphics
> on top of this. The low level could be implemented using your favorite
> package.
> The following API would suffice
> mkWin(X, Y, Width, Ht) => Win
> draw(Win, rectangle, X, Y, Width, Ht, Color) => Tag
> draw(Win, line, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Width, Color) => Tag
> draw(Win, text, X, Y, Font, Size, Text) => Tag
> draw(Win, image, X, Y, ImageFile) => Tag
> ...
> add_event_handler(Win, X, Y, Width, Ht, mouse_click, Fun) => Tag
> delete(Win, Tag) => true
> So you can create a window (mkWin) - draw things (draw) - add event
> handlers
> and deleted tagged things.
> Given this (or something like this) then pretty fancy applications can be
> layered on
> top of this.
> >>
First of all, agreeing on an API isn't easy at all! ;-)
That said, I think the problem is that once the basic functionality is in
place, one will want to add more features. In this day and age, nobody will
want to use a GUI that looks like Windows 1.0... So the API should be able
to take in new functionality without breaking. A suggestion for such an API
is the PS/PDF model.
One backend that is reasonably stable, reasonably portable and lends itself
to advanced graphics use is OpenGL. Esdl is a good start, just look at
Wings. The only drawback is that SDL only supports one top-level window, but
I know that Dan and the esdl team are working on something.
best regards,
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