Meyer, OO and concurrency

todd todd@REDACTED
Wed Jul 13 17:23:38 CEST 2005

Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB) wrote:

>But our telcoms apps do need lots of processes - say 100,000 subscribers
>with a call model that needs 6 process/call = 600,000 processes ... 
Need vs want. I've dealt with larger numbers mapped onto a set of far 
fewer threads with reasonable latency.

>I don't think so. My banks uses Cobol (a lot) and C (a little) applying your argument would mean that C was weak ...
It's not really an argument. I am just telling you what the perception 
is from a real live person who has had these conversations within a real 
live telecom company. The fact that things like rerouting algorithms 
were not implemented in erlang was seen as a weakness. The fact that C++ 
could be used every level was seen as a strength.

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