I must be stupid

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Sat Jul 9 20:34:12 CEST 2005

Actually, this looks like a HiPE issue.

1> c(tuple).
2> tuple:populate1([], 2).
3> timer:tc(tuple, test1, [1000000]).

The above works fine.

Another interesting issue is that creating a list of 1,000,000 items  
in this fashion

populate1(Acc, 0) ->

populate1(Acc, Size) ->
     Acc1 = [Size|Acc],
     populate1(Acc1, Size - 1).

creates just a second without HiPE whereas doing it like this takes I  
don't know how much time (stopped after half an hour or so)

populate(T, 0) ->

populate(T, Size) ->
     populate(setelement(Size, T, Size), Size - 1).

Is there a simple explanation?

     Thanks, Joel


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