Using Erlang for Comsuming Web Services using SOAP
Luke Gorrie
Sat Jan 15 17:56:49 CET 2005
Neil Campbell <s9902088@REDACTED> writes:
> Does anyone have experience either using this library for accessing
> (i.e. not hosting) web services or know of any other helpful libraries
> or features that I have missed?
I found it okay to do SOAP the poor man's way, i.e. building it up
with code like:
encode(SoapMsg) ->
#soap_msg{headers=Hs, body=Body, related_parts=Related} = SoapMsg,
XML = {'env:Envelope',
[{'xmlns:env', ""}],
if Hs == [] -> [];
true -> [{'env:Header', [], Hs}]
end ++ [{'env:Body', [], Body}]},
Z = xmerl_lib:expand(XML),
Text = xmerl:export_simple(XML, xmerl_xml),
I decode it from similar tuples, e.g.
dec_msg({'Envelope', _, Es}) ->
case xml_util:arrange(Es, ['Header', 'Body']) of
[{'Header', _, Headers},
{'Body', _, Body}] ->
case xml_util:arrange(Body, ['Fault']) of
[] ->
{ok, #soap_msg{headers=Headers, body=Body}};
[{'Fault', _, FBody}] ->
case dec_fault(FBody) of
{ok, Fault} ->
{ok, #soap_msg{headers=Headers, body=Fault}};
Err = {error, _} ->
_ ->
{error, {bad_envelope_body, Es}}
dec_msg(X) ->
{error, {bad_envelope, X}}.
(That xml_util:arrange function turned out fairly handy for
pattern-matching on parsed XML that could have elements in a funny
order or include unexpected/not-understood elements:
%% arrange(Elements, Tags) -> Elements'
%% Elements = [xml()]
%% Tags = [atom()]
%% This is a utility to filter and arrange a series of XML elements to
%% make them easier to pattern match. The returned list:
%% Only includes elements whose tag is in Tags;
%% Includes at most one of each Tag;
%% Returns elements in the same order they appear in Tags
%% Example:
%% arrange([{bar,_,_},{foo,_,_},{beer,_,_},{baz,_,_}], [foo,bar,baz])
%% => [{foo,_,_}, {bar,_,_}, {baz,_,_}]
arrange(Elems, Spec) ->
foldr(fun(Tag, Acc) ->
case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, Elems) of
{value, X} -> [X|Acc];
false -> Acc
end, [], Spec).
Initially I had meant to do it the Right Way by interpreting Schemas
and maybe WSDL but it was all a bit much for me.
For now I attach "the gist", missing the HTTP client part and at least
one xmerl patch. If you want to actually use this then let me know and
I can try to resolve its dependencies and jungerl it when I get a
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