Call For Papers of SEW-30, ICECCS2006, AXMEDIS2006

Fri Dec 16 21:47:34 CET 2005

Dear Erlang Questions 

You are cordially invited to Submitt a paper and/or to attend the following
conferences and workshops:

-- 30th Annual IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop
   Loyola College Graduate Center, Columbia, MD, USA, 24-28 April 2006,

-- 11th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex 
   Computer Systems (ICEECS 2006), Co-located with Computational Systems 
   Bioinformatics (CSB 2006) Stanford University, CA, USA, 10-14 August 2006,

-- 2nd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media 
   Content for Multi-channel Distribution, IEEE press proc.,
   Leeds, UK, 13-15 December 2006.

Sorry for multiple reception of this email, and please pass this email to 
other collegues that could be interested in the above events. 
In the following, and on the web site you may find more details.

Best wishes,
Paolo Nesi

_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ SEW-30 Call for Papers _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+

30th Annual IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop
Loyola College Graduate Center, Columbia, MD, USA
24-28 April 2006

Part of Systems and Software Week (, 
co-located with:
·   EASe 2006, 3rd IEEE Workshop on Engineering Autonomic Systems;
·   DSSNS 2006, 2nd IEEE Workshop on Dependability and Reliability 
    in Sensor Networks and Systems;
·   ZUM 2006, 12th International Conference of Z Users;

Sponsored by NASA Software Engineering Laboratory
-NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
-IEEE Computer Society, Technical Council on Software Engineering

Join us for our 30th anniversary, and the Software Engineering event of 2006!!!

Keynote Speakers
·   Vic Basili (University of Maryland, College Park, USA)
·   Judith Bishop (University of Pretoria, South Africa) 
·   Manfred Broy (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
·   Carlo Ghezzi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
·   David Gries (Cornell University, USA)
·   Jim Woodcock (University of York, UK)

The 30th Annual IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop, the longest continually 
running Software Engineering event in the world, will be held at Loyola College 
Graduate Center, Columbia, Maryland, in Metropolitan Washington DC, 24-28 April 
2006, as part of the 2nd Systems and Software Week.


The workshop aims to bring together NASA technical staff, contractors, academics
 and industrial practitioners interested in the advancement of software 
engineering principles and techniques.   The workshop provides a forum for 
reporting on past experiences for describing new and emerging results and techniques,
 and for exchanging ideas on best practice and future directions.   Of particular 
importance is relevance to NASA’s mission and goals, and how techniques might be 
applied, or adapted for use, at NASA, or how NASA’s techniques might be used or 
adapted for more generic use.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Ø      Metrics and experience reports
Ø      Software quality assurance
Ø      Formal methods and formal approaches to software development
Ø      Software engineering processes and process improvement
Ø      CMM and CMMI
Ø      Requirements engineering
Ø      Software Architectures
Ø      Real-time Software Engineering
Ø      Software maintenance, reuse, and legacy systems
Ø      Agent-based software systems


Long papers (maximum 10 pages in IEEE format) and short industrial/governmental 
experience reports (maximum 5 pages in IEEE format) are sought for inclusion in 
the conference program and publication in the post-proceedings which will be 
published by IEEE CS Press.    All submissions will be reviewed for originality, 
relevance, and technical detail.   At least one author per paper will be required 
to register and present at the workshop.   Papers not presented will not be 
included in the proceedings.

All submissions must be made in electronic format (.doc, .pdf or .ps formats only), 
via the conference electronic submission site that will be available shortly via 
the Systems and Software Week website (

All accepted papers will be published in the conference post proceedings, published
 by IEEE CS Press.   Some authors will also be invited to submit a revised version
 of their paper for inclusion in Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: 
A NASA Journal (Springer).   
Best Student Paper Prize

The NASA Software Engineering Laboratory will offer a best student paper prize 
of $1K (US$1,024) and a commemorative certificate.   To be eligible for the prize, 
a paper must be accepted for SEW, presented at the conference, and written solely 
by full time student author(s) and their advisors only.   Papers based on thesis 
work submitted after 1 January 2005, and satisfying the above author criteria, are 
also eligible.   A significant registration discount will be available for student

- 8 January, 2006:   Long and Short papers due
- 1 February, 2006 : Notification to Authors 
- 24-28 April, 2006   SEW-30 in Columbia, MD
- 8 June, 2006  Camera Ready Copy due for Post-Proceedings

Any inquiries should also be directed by email to Michael.G.Hinchey@REDACTED; for 
faster responses, please include “SEW” in the subject line.

_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ ICEECS 2006 Call for Papers _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+

ICEECS Call for Papers
11th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
Co-located with Computational Systems Bioinformatics (CSB 2006) 

Sponsored by: 

IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Technical Committee on Complexity in Computing
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Software Engineering Laboratory
Stanford University, CA, USA, 10-14 August 2006.

With the ever expanding range of computing platforms and applications, system 
complexity is on the rise. Increasing intelligence and autonomics in today’s 
systems requires innovative approaches to address these concomitant complexity 
issues. At this cross-section of volume and complexity, current technologies are
 often ineffective at coping with the demands for quality computer systems. 
Manifold dependencies between the critical software, hardware, communications, 
and human elements now drive computer system and software architectures. 
Complexity of software systems has grown significantly, pervading several key 
application areas including Manufacturing, Communications, Transportation, 
Internet, Entertainment, Mobile, Healthcare, Aerospace, and Energy. 
These systems are frequently distributed over heterogeneous networks, involving
Internet technologies. Inundated by temporal constraints, boundless functionalities, 
complex algorithms, distributed and mobile architectures, security constraints,
reliability, high performance, interoperability, security, and the like, these 
complexities are further weighing down development and  evolution of today’s 
software systems and ultimately the organizations they serve.

The goal of this conference is to assemble industrial, academic and government 
experts, from a variety of user domains and software disciplines, to examine key 
complexity problems and effective solutions. Researchers, practitioners, tool 
developers and users, and technology transition experts are all welcome. 
The scope of the interest includes long-term research, near-term complex system
requirements and promising tools, existing systems, and commercially available tools.

Topic Areas: 

Papers are solicited in all areas related to complex computer-based systems,
 including the causes of complexity and means of avoiding, controlling, or coping with 
complexity. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:
-System and software architecture and system engineering 
-Tools, environments, and languages for complex systems 
-Formal methods and approaches to manage and control complex systems 
-Integration of heterogeneous technologies 
-Software and system development and control processes for complex systems 
-Human factors and collaborative aspects 
-Interoperability and standardization 
-Systems and software safety and security 
-Industrial automation, embedded and/or real time systems 
-Content production and distribution systems, mobile and multi-channel systems 
-Software complexity visualization 
-Virtual environments for managing complexity 

Paper Submissions: 

Research papers, case studies, lessons learned, status reports,
 and discussions of practical problems faced by industry and user domains are all 
welcome submissions. 
For review, submissions are divided into two categories: Technical Papers 
and Experience Reports. 
Submitted papers should be formatted in the style of IEEE-Computer Society Format: 
Submitted manuscripts must be in English and should be no longer than 4000 words 
or 10 formatted pages. 
Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign a copyright release form. 
IEEE Computer Society Press will publish the proceedings. 
Submission Procedure: Please email your manuscripts in PDF format to the 
program chairs listed above. 

Panels and Special Sections: 

Proposals (1 page) for organizing panels and special 
sections should be sent to the general and program chairs via email. In both cases, 
the list of confirmed people involved should be included.


- 3 February, 2006 Paper submission 
- 7 April, 2006 Notification of acceptance 
- 19 May, 2006 Camera ready papers 
- 10-14 August, 2006 Conference 


General Chair:
- Michael G Hinchey, NASA Software Engineering Laboratory, 
  Goddard Space Flight Center, Michael.G.Hinchey@REDACTED 

Program Co-Chairs - Americas:
- Shawn Bohner, Virginia Tech, sbohner@REDACTED
- Phil Laplante, Penn State, plaplante@REDACTED 

Program Co-Chair - Asia:
- Zhiming Liu, United Nations University, IIST, Macao, lzm@REDACTED 

Program Co-Chairs - Europe:
- Paolo Nesi, University of Florence, Italy, nesi@REDACTED
- Jim Woodcock, University of York, UK, jim@REDACTED

Publicity Chair:
- Denis Gracanin, Virginia Tech

_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ AXMEDIS 2006 Call for Papers _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+

2nd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media 
Content for Multi-channel Distribution, 
Leeds, UK, 13-15 December 2006.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:
* Automatic cross-media production, collection, crawling, composition, formatting, 
  P2P, etc. 
* Formats and models for multi-channel content distribution
* Multimedia standards, e.g. MPEG-7, MPEG-21, DMP, etc.
* High quality audio visual coding
* Multimedia music representation and formatting
* Watermarking and fingerprinting techniques 
* GRID and distributed systems for content production
* real-time streaming media distribution
* Multimedia middleware
* Workflow management systems
* Web services for content distribution
* Semantic Web
* Distribution with P2P architectures 
* Legal aspects related to digital content 
* Collecting and clearing of rights and licences
* Business, payment and transaction models
* Digital  Rights Management (DRM), models tools, and interoperability
* Formats and tools for Content Aware 
* Archives managements for cultural and educational applications
* Synchronisation technologies and solutions 
* Systems and approaches for content production/distribution on demand
* Digital content user interface 
* Digital content accessibility
* Novel applications and case-studies of relevant technologies

The conference proceedings is to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
Selected papers from the conference will be considered for publication in special 
issues of one or 
more major peer-reviewed Journals in this domain.

- Submission due: 18 March 2006
- Conference date: 13-15 Dec 2006
- Conference venue: University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK


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