erl -config file on windows

Anders Nygren anders.nygren@REDACTED
Tue Apr 19 23:31:44 CEST 2005

I am trying to wrap up a project that has to be installed on windows
and have a problem
with getting erlang to read my *.config file.

I try to start it with
erl -boot mybootfile -sname name -config myconfigfile

But no matter how I specify myconfigfile, 
- absolute or relative path,
- with or without .config extension
- "/" or "\" as separator
- no quotes, single qutes or double quotes
I always get a crash saying "file not found".

starting erl without -config and doing file:consult(PATHTOFILE)
works so I have the correct path and the file contains a correct
erlang term.

So, how do I get it to read my configfile?????


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