Split and XOR a 160bits SHA Digest?

Kostis Sagonas kostis@REDACTED
Sun May 16 16:58:28 CEST 2004

On 14 May 2004, at 19:26, yerl@REDACTED wrote:
 > By compiling, do you mean native compilation? like:
 > $ erlc +native +'{hipe,[verbose,debug]} .......
 > I never could setup the native compilation in my box (Suse Linux). 
 > When I use native, any module compiles correctly and   immediatly 
 > crashes in startup.

We have just deposited a new snapshot at:


and will be interested to know if the problems that you reported have
disappeared or whether they persist on your configuration (in which
case please supply more details, like gcc version used, how the thing
crashes, etc).

In general, we would appreciate feedback on situations like these,
since it is the only way we become aware of possible problems and
correct them.

Kostis Sagonas (for the HiPE team: hipe@REDACTED).

PS. The snapshot might be of interest to other open-source users.

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