Bug in Erlang SMTP client?
Luke Gorrie
Thu Jan 8 16:07:49 CET 2004
Franck Arnaud <franck@REDACTED> writes:
> This is a long shot, sorry if I'm not in the right place.
Ever thought of opening a detective agency? :-)
> I'm running an SMTP email server and I've got sessions with
> franklin.telenor.se, which fail because this server is not
> standards-compliant and tries this:
> which is illegal, see RFC 2821 or 821, compared to the correct:
> All other senders I've seen implement this are spammers (who
> don't read RFCs), so not being tolerant helps a lot in
> reducing spam.
Nice catch, here's a patch.
--- smtp_format.erl.~1.8.~ 1999-10-20 16:04:52.000000000 +0200
+++ smtp_format.erl 2004-01-08 16:00:24.000000000 +0100
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
-export([xtext_decode/1, xtext_encode/1]).
from(Path) when record(Path, path) ->
- "FROM: " ++ path(Path) ++ params(Path).
+ "FROM:" ++ path(Path) ++ params(Path).
to(Path) when record(Path, path) ->
- "TO: " ++ path(Path) ++ params(Path).
+ "TO:" ++ path(Path) ++ params(Path).
%% Format thingies scanned with smtp_scan:path
path(Path) when record(Path, path) ->
Helpful eh? ;-)
But seriously, sadly Bluetail doesn't support this product
anymore. Possibly the current caretaker at Telenordia is reading this
list and can make a fix though!
Bluetail Support -- Patches From Beyond the Grave
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