xmerl usage question

Ulf Wiger ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Wed Apr 14 11:57:25 CEST 2004

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 10:16:53 +0100, Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi 
<chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@REDACTED> wrote:

> 20> xmerl_scan:string(Xml, [{fetch_fun, FetchFun}, {rules, myrules}]).
> 871- fatal: {already_defined,'MyRequest'}
> ** exited: {fatal,{{already_defined,'MyRequest'},2,20}} **
> Is there any way around this?? I see where this is happening, but I 
> don't understand why xmerl flags this as an error. any help much 
> appreciated.

The way dtd lookup in xmerl_scan is written, I couldn't immediately spot
an obvious way to work around it. But then, I didn't write that code, ;),
so perhaps someone else will be more successful finding a workaround.

(to further emphasize the smiley, that's not intended to criticize the
code or its author - merely pointing out that my understanding of it
would possibly have been better if I had been the author.)

I guess the rules_read_fun needs more information, or there needs to
be a new option that allows already defined element definitions; then
the rules_write_fun could check for conflicting definitions.

Ulf Wiger

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