new syntax - a provocation

Pierpaolo BERNARDI bernardp@REDACTED
Tue Sep 30 18:39:14 CEST 2003

> Joachim Durchholz <joachim.durchholz@REDACTED> writes:
> > Luke Gorrie wrote:
> >
> > >>It's interesting to consider the question:  "what would an Erlang
> > >>implementation have to be like for us to be able to take a running
> > >>process and move it to another processor?"  (IBM's AIX was able to
> > >>do this on their mainframes, I believe.  I think Kali Scheme can do
> > >
> > > And also the question: why would you want to? Seriously.

Because the node on which the process is running must be shut
down for maintenance, upgraded, moved, load balanced,
repainted, cloned ...

The logic for doing this can be embedded ad hoc in each
process, or it can be designed once and for all in the VM.

I think that's where IBM and Kali are/where directed to.


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