How to detect node down

Rick Pettit rpettit@REDACTED
Wed Sep 24 23:07:15 CEST 2003

On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 01:47:27PM +0200, Inswitch Solutions - Erlang Evaluation wrote:
> I have two nodes in different machines (Windows 2000) and
> I'm using the dist_auto_connect default kernel value.
> Does anyone know how can I detect a "node down" in each node when disconnecting the network cable ? Is there a system message for this?

Does this help?:

and search for monitor_node/2. BTW, I found this by going to,
clicking the documentation link, the clicking on the complete OTP R9C docs,
and entering monitor in the index search, then searching for the word monitor
in the resultant page.

Hope that helps.


P.S. You probably won't detect the node down until the low-level tick-tock
     heartbeat mechanism fails, which might not be for some time (IIRC the
     default is 60 seconds).

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