bug in gs
Ulf Wiger (ÄL2/EAB)
Mon Sep 22 17:20:21 CEST 2003
I have the following rather obscure code using gs:
cols(_) ->
rows(_) ->
lists:duplicate(7, {fixed,40}).
widgets(_) ->
window:buttons([{but_ok,"Ok"},{but_cancel,"Cancel"}], 1) ++
window:entries([{e_athlete_id, "Id"},
{e_athlete_number, "Number"},
{e_athlete_name, "Name"},
{e_athlete_born, "Born"},
{e_athlete_gender, "Gender"},
{e_athlete_club, "Club"},
{e_athlete_info, "Info"}], 2).
entries([{Name, Text}|Es], Row) ->
[{label, [{label,{text,Text}}, {pack_xy,{1,Row}}]},
{entry, Name, [{pack_xy, {{2,4},Row}}]} | entries(Es, Row+1)];
entries([], _) ->
The bug in the above code is that it declares 7 entries, each on a
row + 1 button row, but (in rows/1) only 7 packer rows.
This should not work, of course, but the error message (below) could
be a bit more user-friendly:
=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2003::17:05:29 ===
Error in process <0.263.0> with exit value: {function_clause,[{gstk_frame,find_pos,[8,8,8,150,0,[]]},{gstk_frame,pack_child,5},{gstk_frame,pack_children2,5},{gstk_frame,option,5},{gstk_generic,out_opts,8},{gstk_generic,make_command,7},{gstk_generic,mk_cmd_and_exec,...
I suspect the logic in gstk_generic:gen_pack_xy/8 could be fixed to
perform a sanity check and giving a better error description, but
I'm too lazy to try to do it myself.
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