MEGACO commnads structures

Peter-Henry Mander erlang@REDACTED
Mon Sep 15 18:19:07 CEST 2003

Quick answer:

Have a look in megaco_message_v1.hrl it contains many more record 

A longer answer may follow, depending on my free time.


Carlos Rodríguez Alcalá Villagra wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have seen that the structures used for the MEGACO commands are defined 
> inside the archive "megaco.hrl". But, I could not find all the 
> structures related to the MEGACO commands. The ones I found are 
> SubtractRequest, NotifyRequest and ServiceChangeRequest.
> Where are the others? I guess that probably they are all there but I 
> couldn't find it because (maybe) they have a different name.
> Is there any documentation about these structures and the usage of the 
> commands?
> Any help is welcome, I am really in a hurry here.
> Farewell,
>                Carlos R. A.

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