Reply command

mwilligs@REDACTED mwilligs@REDACTED
Thu Nov 6 20:52:28 CET 2003

We want to send that Reply package:

MEGACO/1 ...
Transaction = 1237{
	Context = 1 {
		Subtract = Trunk1/line1{Audit{}}

So we modify the 'megaco_test_mg.erl' file in this function:

handle_megaco_request({handle_trans_request, CH, _PV, _AR}, S) ->
    ED =  cre_error_descr(?megaco_not_implemented, "Transaccion no
    {{discard_ack, ED}, S#mg{conn_handle = CH}};

We modify like this:

handle_megaco_request({handle_trans_request, CH, _PV, _AR}, S) ->
    %ED =  cre_error_descr(?megaco_not_implemented, "Transaccion no

    SUBR	= cre_ammsReply(?A4444),
    ED	= cre_commandRep({subtractReply, SUBR}),

    {{discard_ack, [ED]}, S#mg{conn_handle = CH}};

	#'CommandRequest'{	command	= Cmd}.

	#'AmmsReply'{	terminationID	= [#megaco_term_id{id=Id}]}.

What is wrong in my code?

Thanks in advance.

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