P9C, documentation comments

Anders Nygren anders_nygren2002@REDACTED
Wed Jul 30 03:01:15 CEST 2003

The new Reference Manual is really good, I just
wish it had arrived a long time ago.
But, (there is always a but..), I have some comments.

2.6 Fun
The link to Programming Examples is broken


6.5 Match
Add that Expr1=Expr2=Expr3=.... is a legal expression.
e.g. {X,Y}=Res=f()

Explain how exactly (not) equal differs from "normal"
(not) equal.

It says "Expr should evaluateto a Name record."
Add that there is no check that it really is a
Name record.

ERTS Users Guide, Match Specifications
In section 1.2.1 
Says to use record_info(<record_type>, size)
That should be record_info(size,<record_type>)

/Anders Nygren

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