binary_to_term size limit
Sebastian Strollo
Thu Jul 17 18:24:57 CEST 2003
> I recently had a strange thing happen to me with binary_to_term.
> When the binary got large it gave a bad term error. I am not sure
> what the exact size is, but it is larger than 10kb at least.
The term must have gone stale, how did you transport it? :-)
Normally size doesn't matter :-) as long as you have enought memory
for it.
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.2 [source] [hipe] [threads:0]
Eshell V5.2 (abort with ^G)
1> A=lists:duplicate(1000000, {a,b,c}).
2> size(term_to_binary(A)).
3> A = binary_to_term(term_to_binary(A)).
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