Welcome to the Jungerl!
Sean Hinde
Tue Feb 25 19:10:02 CET 2003
> On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 00:02:42 -0000
> Sean Hinde <Sean.Hinde@REDACTED> wrote:
> > [...]
> > I do think this will need some active management from
> someone who gets a
> > kick out of organising things (i.e. defintely not me!) To
> be useful for
> > the widest audience we really need to avoid it becoming
> Junkerl.. Like
> > should we have a new project called
> >
> random_build_tools_which_are_all_useful_but_dont_work_together
> ?! I guess
> > the project mailing list is the place to sort these issues out.
> I think I disagree, well sorta...
Well so do I, sorta, as well, and this is where my personality starts to
split apart.. My natural instinct is towards the chaos model, but the
manager in me knows what a thin line we tread when we deploy these 2 week
creations into our GSM network that millions of customers rely on.
All that it would take is one major service outage at the wrong time for
folks to start asking difficult questions (and we do seem to be generating a
few places who would be happy to see us shut down along the way).
So, to summarise my view, I want the chaos which will generate great ideas
and cool code, but I want it to always work perfectly and never be broken
once it works.
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