In gen_event, what functional diff does it makes for gen_event:notify & gen_event:call
Suresh S
Thu Feb 20 13:37:26 CET 2003
>--- Ulf Wiger <etxuwig@REDACTED> wrote: > On
Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Suresh S wrote:
> >how do we relate handlers and events ? i mean when
> a
> >request is made or an event is notified how does
> the
> >handler knows to handle particular event or call,
> both in
> >case of gen_even:notify and gen_event:call.
in case of gen_event call relavent handle_call is
gen_event:call(EntMgr, Handler, Req) -->
M:handle_event(Req, S)
here Handler = {M, Id}
Id can be anatom (i.e) Name of the event?
How does this Handler is passed to this callback
function handle_event
(i.e how does an event with {M, Id } is called)
Thanking u
suresh s
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