Musings on an Erlang GUI System.

Niclas Eklund Niclas.Eklund@REDACTED
Wed Feb 19 18:31:01 CET 2003


Orber comes with a simple, but rather boring, example (Stack). The
latest User's Guide describe how to implement a DB API step-by-step:

How to write a Java-client is described in:

It's true that older OMG specifications didn't support an easy way to
connect other ORB's (e.g. NameService). But Orber users have been able to
do that for years by using InitialReference (Java/C++), which is also

But 'corbaloc' and 'corbaname' should be used (unless your "other" ORB
doesn't support this):

erl> NS = corba:string_to_object("corbaloc::1.0@REDACTED:4001/NameService").

See also chapter 5.2 - Configuration (User's Guide) how to use ORBInitRef
and ORBDefaultInitRef.

If you want I can implement the example and post it.


> > Hello!
> > 
> > Is it complex to use CORBA? Let's compare a gen_server and CORBA
> > implementation.
> It would be cool if you could do this up as a complete runnable
> Erlang<->Java example program!
> I did that a few years ago, but I think it should be nicer now with
> e.g. the epmd-style naming that CORBA has adopted. Before that, it
> really *was* ugly -- you had to bootstrap communication by copying
> some opaque object reference onto a webserver or something :-). The
> devil was in those small details.
> BTW, is there anything like process links and monitor_node in CORBA
> these days?
> Cheers,
> Luke

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