IE6 + INETS + Post == false??

Peter Lund peter@REDACTED
Sat Feb 15 09:53:56 CET 2003

I have been running a Erlang webserver, that use INETS, 
on my W2K computer for a while now. When using Netscape7
as a client it works perfectly ok, but when I tried once
to use Internet Explorer 6 as a client, I experienced 
some strange behaviours.

When submitting a form using the method POST from IE to
the Erlang/INETS webserver, the correct result page was 
shown for about 1 sec, but after that first second a 
fault message page appeared instead, saying "The server
was not found"/"The page can not be shown" (translated
from swedish). 

I friend of mine has the theory, that the socket used for
posting was not read or not closed completely after the
post message to the server (Erlang/INETS on W2K) and that
IE6 discovers this after 1 sec and then show this fault
page instead of the result page that I wanted. I am 
running "Erlang/OTP R8B". 

Has anyone else experienced the same problem???

Best Regards,
Peter Lund

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