Extending arithmetic
Joe Armstrong
Mon Feb 10 10:06:39 CET 2003
On Sat, 8 Feb 2003, Robert Virding wrote:
> Steven H. Rogers, PhD. wrote:
> > Excellent idea. I like array oriented languages like APL/J/K for their
> > overloading for arrays of arbitrary depth (actually lists of lists for
> > K). Not to seem greedy, but if Erlang were to be extened to apply
> > arithmetic operators to tuples, what about lists? Even better would be
> > to handle any conformal data structures composed of lists and tuples.
> >
> > Steve
> Yes, Basic!! This would be real progress.
> Seriously though this would mean that "ABCD" + 32 -> "abcd". If we are
> going to do this we might as well go all the way and be consistent (I am
> big beliver in consistency*) and always coerce arguments into
> something which can be operated on. The results might be confusing.
> Sorry for being a little sarcastic here but I think it is a very bad idea.
I entirely agree - this violates the "principle of least surprise"
my intuitive understanding of "+" is that it is a thing that adds
*numbers* together - nothing else.
<aside> Robert and I agonized for months over whether "+" should
overload floats and integers - we made (of course) the wrong decision
allowing arbitrary mixing of floats and integers with the appropriate
coercions where necessary. This sucks since coercing a very large
integer (bignum) into a float can fail etc. - too late now.
Personally I *hate* languages where "everything is really a string"
and + etc. are *heavily* overloaded - these a programmer's nightmare
(because simple programs are indeed easier than in a language like
Erlang, but complex programs are *much* more difficult and really
subtle errors can occur. They are also a compiler writers nightmare -
if you can't derive the type at compile time you have to check at run
time - - there is a fine balance here, between dynamic typing (a la
Erlang) and strong typing (a la Haskell) - knowing that things are
strings, tuples, integers, and that the arguments to '+' are numbers
etc. allows you to make a whole bundle of optimizations - heavier
coercions of + etc. would upset this fine balance and result in yet
another basic/javascript/TCL/.. with processes - convenience of use
for non-trivial applications would *not* increase, indeed we would
introduce large classes of subtly bugs - and performance would go down
IMHO the *only* way to do overloading is of you have a strongly
typed language, where the type system can figure out at compile time
which particular usage the overloaded operator has - checking this at
run-time is not a good idea - If the compiler can't figure out what
the operator means at compile time how will the programmer know? -
this does not aid program readability.
> On a serious note though when Jonas Barklund and I were discussing BIFs,
> replacing imports with synonyms and determining which function gets
> called (Proposal 16) we came up with an idea that would solve this
> problem very elegantly (even Richard O'K would approve). +-*/ etc would
> be synonyms for number:'+'/2 etc (they are this today for erlang:'+'/2)
> and thye could instead be made synonyms for say matrix_arith:'+'/2 etc.
> This would allow using the operators, leave the originals alone and be
> clean and explicit about what they call.
Yes - this is the *opposite* of overloading - under-loading :-)
If we allowed infix ops then you could have who families of +'s
Id *much* prefer one + for integers and another for floats.
1.0 f+ X.
{1,2,3} m+ {2,3,4}
> Robert
> *At my age I value consistency, I haven't enough time to look up in a
> manual every time I use something to see what arguments it can handle today.
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