Eric Merritt
Mon Feb 10 03:12:04 CET 2003
I am not sure tutorials exist for many things. The
documentation is there and its quite good. The problem
is that the documentation is geared towards explaining
the diffrent parts of the system not getting someone
up and running.
Now as for the mnesia documentation, it is good and
the first part will get you up and running pretty
quikly but thats not what its geared for. In any case,
having tutorials on allot of diffrent subjects is good
for that language even if the documentation covers
most of it.
Just my 2c
--- roger <roger@REDACTED> wrote:
> One quick question for the list, have we determined
> what's wrong (if
> anything) with the current tutorials ? I signed up
> for the mnesia one
> since I have some code that I could reuse, but I
> learned from the
> existing tutorial, which I thought was fine ...
> regards,
> -Roger
> On Sunday, February 9, 2003, at 03:59 PM, Eric
> Merritt wrote:
> > It doesn't look like to many people have voted on
> > this. I for one would love to see some of these
> > tutorials come into being. So if you havn't
> already. I
> > encourage you to take a little time and vote on
> one.
> > Better yet would be to write one :)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric
> >
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