Why special function apply(Mod, Func, Args).

Goran Bage goran.bage@REDACTED
Fri Feb 7 15:49:31 CET 2003

Mickael Remond wrote:

> With the other syntax, you can only use variable name and not function calls:
> 1> Mod=io.
> io
> 2> Function=format.
> format
> 3> Mod:Function("~p~n", ["Hello"]).                                      
> "Hello"

Hmm, it is more general than that

Eshell V5.2  (abort with ^G)
1> F = fun () -> io end.
2> F1 = fun () -> format end.
3> (F()):(F1())("~p \n", ["hello"]).

works for me.

-- Goran
------------------------- May the Snow be with you ----
  Goran Bage,          MobileArts,     www.mobilearts.se
  TjÀrhovsgatan 56,    SE-102 67 Stockholm,       Sweden
  email:goran.bage@REDACTED,  phone: +46 733 358405

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