Why special function apply(Mod, Func, Args).

Richard Carlsson richardc@REDACTED
Fri Feb 7 14:21:42 CET 2003

On Fri, 7 Feb 2003, Suresh S wrote:

> but this will solve the problem  
> 2> lists1:min_max([4,1,7,3,9,10]).
>     {1, 10}		
> i really do not understand why the special function 
> apply(Mod, Func, Args).

'apply' is only needed when Args does not have constant length.

(Also, for a long time ago, 'apply' was the only way in Erlang
to call a function when Mod and Func were not both constants.)


Richard Carlsson (richardc@REDACTED)   (This space intentionally left blank.)
E-mail: Richard.Carlsson@REDACTED	WWW: http://user.it.uu.se/~richardc/

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