Sean Hinde
Tue Dec 16 00:10:15 CET 2003
On 15 Dec 2003, at 22:17, Inswitch Solutions - Erlang Evaluation wrote:
> When calling gen_server:call, does it blocks the gen_server process?
> From another point of view does gen_server solve the pattern of
> multiple
> clients requests calling in a synchronous way (gen_server:call)?
> For each client a process should be spawned.
I think what you are looking for is the gen_server:reply/2 function.
The normal pattern of usage is to spawn a new worker process in your
handle_call/2 and instead of returning {reply, Reply, New_state} you
return {noreply, State}. This leaves the gen_server unblocked ready for
new call requests, and the calling process blocked awaiting the result
of its call
Once the worker process has completed its work it can call
gen_server:reply(To, Reply) where To is the original caller reference
received in the handle_call/2.
Alternatively, and what I normally do, is to store the From ref and the
Pid of the spawned process in an ets table owned by the main gen_server
process. The worker process then casts the answer back via the main
gen_server process which does the gen_server:reply/2. This way if the
worker process crashes the main gen_server can trap the 'EXIT' message,
lookup the Pid/From, and send an error response back to the original
I think perhaps gen_server:reply needs to be added to the FAQ, or maybe
a chapter devoted to this model somewhere in the docs - I have had to
explain it many times and it is far too useful to not have prominence.
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