erlang on a consumer appliance

Thomas Lindgren thomasl_4711@REDACTED
Sun Nov 3 20:23:43 CET 2002

For your amusement, some results when running Erlang
R8B2 on a Playstation 2:

**** ESTONES = 6318

    Title                            Time         
Estone       %    Loops
Small Integer arithmetics            741           376
         3     4157
list manipulation                    3850          805
         10    9156
small messages                       7164          432
         10    1433
medium messages                      11929         509
         14    1527
huge messages                        2451          202
         4     52  
pattern matching                     841           921
         5     1074
traverse                             899           310
         3     2247
Work with large dataset              797           350
         3     1193
Work with large local dataset        746           373
         3     1174
Alloc and dealloc                    568           218
         2     3710
Bif dispatch                         1415          547
         5     1623
Binary handling                      3918          126
         4     581 
ets datadictionary                   3791          204
         5     342 
Generic server (with timeout)        8078          245
         8     7977
Float arithmetics                    1834          16 
         1     5526
Function calls                       1422          545
         5     882 
Timers                               1282          96 
         2     2312
Links                                711           43 
         1     30  

runtime = 51730 msecs
result = ok

The PS2 is running PS2-linux, which is a mildly
strange Linux version with kanji characters popping up
where you didn't expect it.


PS. Trying to make R9, on the other hand, hangs:

cp /home/thomasl/erlang/R9B0/bootstrap/erts/bin/ecc
chmod +w /home/thomasl/erlang/R9B0/bootstrap/bin/ecc
/home/thomasl/erlang/R9B0/bootstrap/erts/bin/elink -r
Error in process <0.2.0> with exit value:
make: *** [init_boot] Interrupt

<otherwise waits forever -- tl>

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