about Megaco implementation

cy cy_tang@REDACTED
Fri Jul 12 10:04:17 CEST 2002

Thanks for your reply.

I removed the host address from IpOptions. It opened successfully.
Then, I tried to connect the MGC on the other node. But it need a 
There is a function megaco_udp:create_send_handle/3 in Erlang, but there 
isn't one in the C interface from megaco_session.
If I just put the sendHandle returned from openResponse, it will give me 
the debug trace attached.

 From the Erlang example in Megaco for simple mg, sendHandle is composed 
of (Handle, MgcHost, MgcPort) using megaco_udp:create_send_handle/3,
where Handle is returned by megaco_udp:open.
How should I do the same composition in C using megaco_session?

Best regards,
CY Tang
Advanced Telesoft Ltd.
(852) 2634-0246

Micael Karlberg wrote:

> cy wrote:
>> I have got a project on implementing a Megaco - MGC/MG for load 
>> generation
>> In using the megaco protocol stack with megaco_session for C interface,
>> I got the following problem in implementing the start of MG:
>>   It always return a {error, {bad_option,host}} for 
>> MegacoSessionUdp_open() from the megaco_session.
>> Am I composing the "ipOptions" wrongly or I still missed something?
> You should not supply the host address (as part of IpOptions)
> in the call to open. Also, the portnumber should propably be
> zero (0).
>> By the way, is it possible to include a simple_MG in the 
>> megaco_session for example.
> We had originally planned to do so, but we ran out of time.
> It's still on my todo-list.
> Regards,
>     /BMK
>> Best regards,
>> CY Tang
>> Advanced Telesoft Ltd.
>> (852)-2634-0246
>> Output from megaco_session :
>> Eshell V5.1.1  (abort with ^G)
>> (megaco_session@REDACTED)1> MSTI: init -> start transport
>> MSTI: init -> transport started: <0.87.0>
>> MSUI: init -> start transport
>> MSUI: init -> transport started: <0.92.0>
>> MSUI: open -> entry with
>>   RequestRef:    1
>>   ReplyTo:       <51.99.0>
>>   ReceiveHandle: 
>> {'Megaco_ReceiveHandle',{'MegacoMessage_MIdUnion','MIdChoice_deviceName',[109,121,95,109,103]},[109,101,103,97,99,111,95,112,114,101,116,116,121,95,116,101,120,116,95,101,110,99,111,100,101,114],[],[109,101,103,97,99,111,95,117,100,112]} 
>>   Options:       
>> [{'MegacoSessionIp_IpOption','Ip_host',[114,104,108,105,110,117,120,49]},{'MegacoSessionIp_IpOption','Ip_port',2944}] 
>> MSUI: open -> error:
>>   Error: {error,{bad_option,host}}
>> =ERROR REPORT==== 12-Jul-2002::09:15:37 ===
>> 'Megaco_SessionFactory_impl'(<0.85.0>): SessionUser node died - 
>> Source code from mg
>> Megaco_SessionUser_startUserResponse__rs*
>> Megaco_SessionUser_startUserResponse__cb(Megaco_SessionUser oe_obj,
>>                     CORBA_long *ref,
>>                     Megaco_Status *status,
>>                     CORBA_Environment *oe_env) {
>>   V( ("received startUserResponse\n") );
>>   ASSERT_OK(status);
>>     Megaco_ReceiveHandle      rh;
>>     MegacoSessionIp_IpOption  port[2];
>>     MegacoSessionIp_IpOptions ipOptions;
>>      V( ("setup restart\n") );
>>      rh.localMid = mid;
>>      // Setup text port for UDP
>>      port[0]._d      = MegacoSessionIp_Ip_host;
>>      port[0]._u.host = "rhlinux1";
>>      port[1]._d      = MegacoSessionIp_Ip_port;
>>      port[1]._u.port = 2944;
>>      ipOptions._buffer  = port;
>>      ipOptions._length  = 2;
>>      ipOptions._maximum = 2;
>>      prepare_udp(&dummy);
>>      /* prepare receive handle for udp text */
>>      rh.encodingMod    = (CORBA_char*)"megaco_pretty_text_encoder";
>>      rh.encodingConfig = (CORBA_char*)"";
>>      rh.sendMod        = (CORBA_char*)"megaco_udp";
>>      V( ("open UDP text (port 2944) connection\n") );
>>      MegacoSessionUdp_open(NULL,
>>               *ref,
>>               &session_user_pid,
>>               &rh,
>>               &ipOptions,
>>               send_env);
>>      ASSERT_SEND();
>> }

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