about Megaco implementation

Micael Karlberg micael.karlberg@REDACTED
Fri Jul 12 11:13:50 CEST 2002

cy wrote:
> I have got a project on implementing a Megaco - MGC/MG for load generation
> In using the megaco protocol stack with megaco_session for C interface,
> I got the following problem in implementing the start of MG:
>   It always return a {error, {bad_option,host}} for 
> MegacoSessionUdp_open() from the megaco_session.
> Am I composing the "ipOptions" wrongly or I still missed something?

You should not supply the host address (as part of IpOptions)
in the call to open. Also, the portnumber should propably be
zero (0).

> By the way, is it possible to include a simple_MG in the megaco_session 
> for example.

We had originally planned to do so, but we ran out of time.
It's still on my todo-list.


> Best regards,
> CY Tang
> Advanced Telesoft Ltd.
> (852)-2634-0246
> Output from megaco_session :
> Eshell V5.1.1  (abort with ^G)
> (megaco_session@REDACTED)1> MSTI: init -> start transport
> MSTI: init -> transport started: <0.87.0>
> MSUI: init -> start transport
> MSUI: init -> transport started: <0.92.0>
> MSUI: open -> entry with
>   RequestRef:    1
>   ReplyTo:       <51.99.0>
>   ReceiveHandle: 
> {'Megaco_ReceiveHandle',{'MegacoMessage_MIdUnion','MIdChoice_deviceName',[109,121,95,109,103]},[109,101,103,97,99,111,95,112,114,101,116,116,121,95,116,101,120,116,95,101,110,99,111,100,101,114],[],[109,101,103,97,99,111,95,117,100,112]} 
>   Options:       
> [{'MegacoSessionIp_IpOption','Ip_host',[114,104,108,105,110,117,120,49]},{'MegacoSessionIp_IpOption','Ip_port',2944}] 
> MSUI: open -> error:
>   Error: {error,{bad_option,host}}
> =ERROR REPORT==== 12-Jul-2002::09:15:37 ===
> 'Megaco_SessionFactory_impl'(<0.85.0>): SessionUser node died - mg@REDACTED
> Source code from mg
> Megaco_SessionUser_startUserResponse__rs*
> Megaco_SessionUser_startUserResponse__cb(Megaco_SessionUser oe_obj,
>                     CORBA_long *ref,
>                     Megaco_Status *status,
>                     CORBA_Environment *oe_env) {
>   V( ("received startUserResponse\n") );
>   ASSERT_OK(status);
>     Megaco_ReceiveHandle      rh;
>     MegacoSessionIp_IpOption  port[2];
>     MegacoSessionIp_IpOptions ipOptions;
>      V( ("setup restart\n") );
>      rh.localMid = mid;
>      // Setup text port for UDP
>      port[0]._d      = MegacoSessionIp_Ip_host;
>      port[0]._u.host = "rhlinux1";
>      port[1]._d      = MegacoSessionIp_Ip_port;
>      port[1]._u.port = 2944;
>      ipOptions._buffer  = port;
>      ipOptions._length  = 2;
>      ipOptions._maximum = 2;
>      prepare_udp(&dummy);
>      /* prepare receive handle for udp text */
>      rh.encodingMod    = (CORBA_char*)"megaco_pretty_text_encoder";
>      rh.encodingConfig = (CORBA_char*)"";
>      rh.sendMod        = (CORBA_char*)"megaco_udp";
>      V( ("open UDP text (port 2944) connection\n") );
>      MegacoSessionUdp_open(NULL,
>               *ref,
>               &session_user_pid,
>               &rh,
>               &ipOptions,
>               send_env);
>      ASSERT_SEND();
> } 

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