how do i specify include path?

UAB/L/K Ingela Anderton konsult OTP Ingela.Anderton@REDACTED
Fri Feb 15 16:51:20 CET 2002
section 1.7

Garry Hodgson wrote:
> i know i use the -pa flag on the erl command line to specify module
> path,
> but i can't seem to find the corresponding flag to set include path, so 
> it can find the necessary .hrl files when compiling.
> i see a -I on erlc, but it doesn't appear to work within erl, when using
>  c(modulename).
> any clues?
> thanks
> -- 
> Garry Hodgson                   Let my inspiration flow
> Senior Hacker                      in token rhyme suggesting rhythm
> Software Innovation Services    that will not forsake me
> AT&T Labs                          'til my tale is told and done.
> garry@REDACTED

/m.v.h Ingela

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