What is an acceptable AVAILABILITY %...

Peter H|gfeldt peter@REDACTED
Thu Apr 4 22:07:20 CEST 2002

Please try www.erlang.com . erlang.org is for the programming language
Erlang, and not for traffic calculations. 


Peter Högfeldt			e-mail  : peter@REDACTED
Open Telecom Platform		Phone:  : +46 (8) 727 57 58
Ericsson Utvecklings AB		Mobile	: +46  070-519 57 51
S-126 25 STOCKHOLM		Fax:	: +46 (8) 727 5775
Office address:			Armborstvägen 1, Älvsjö

"Computers are machines that do exactly what you tell them,
 but often surprise you in the result."
		Richard Dawkins in The Blind Watchmaker

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Hawes, Drew wrote:

> for an 80% calls answered in 20 seconds
> 3 min AHT
> hrs of operation from 6am to 11pm
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