example of makefile
Christopher Williams
Fri Nov 30 11:15:23 CET 2001
You can always download the source code from:
http://www.erlang.org/download.html and fetch a Makefile from there.
Included are 2 files. One is a generic make script "erlang" and the
other is a
is a Makefile (The generic make script "erlang" is included in the
Both scripts have comments on what environment variables you have to set
to run them.
These scripts is what my project uses to compile our code on a Solaris
Salvador Alcaraz Carrasco wrote:
> Please, could you send me a example of makefile for compile serveral
> erlang files and .hrl files (with dependencies).
> For example:
> file1.hrl
> and
> file2.erl and file3.erl (these files depending of file1.hrl).
> and beam file: myfile.beam
> Thank you very much, from Spain
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Salvador Alcaraz Carrasco http://www.umh.es
> Division de Ingenieria Telematica http://obelix.umh.es
> Dpto. Fisica y Arquitectura de Computadores salcaraz@REDACTED
> Universidad Miguel Hernandez salcaraz@REDACTED
> Avda. del ferrocarril, s/n Telf. +34 96 665 8495
> Elche, Alicante (Spain)
> __________________________________________________________________________
Christopher Williams Phone: +353 902 31365
Ericsson Systems ECN: 83021365
Expertise Limited, Mob: +353 87 64 888 04
Athlone, Fax: +353 902 31304
Co.Westmeath, http://nosc.eei.ericsson.se/pdu_access/Lynx
Ireland chris.williams@REDACTED
-------------- next part --------------
# Generic make script for compiling erlang code #
# The environment variable $ERLHOME has to be set to where erlang/OTP #
# is installed #
# Compiles the code into a ebin dir. relative to the source dir. #
# (../ebin) #
#Compiles the code into a ebin dir. relative to the source dir.
EBIN = ../ebin
ERL = erl
GEN = beam
ERLC_EMULATOR = erl -boot start_clean
PATH= .:$(ERLHOME)/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
TARGETS = $(SOURCE:%.erl=$(EBIN)/%.beam)
CODE = $(SOURCE:%.erl=$(EBIN)/%.beam)
$(EBIN)/%.beam: %.erl
$(ERLHOME)/bin/erlc -W -b beam -o $(EBIN) $(EFLAGS) $(WAIT) $<
all: $(TARGETS)
\rm -f $(CODE)
realclean: clean
\rm -f \.* *~ *\% #* *.beam
-------------- next part --------------
# Template of for compiling erlang files #
# The environment variable $TOOLSHOME home has to be set to where #
# the generic make script is installed (erlang). #
# code to compile
SOURCE =dummy1.erl \
#Where include files are stored ".hrl"
EFLAGS = -I../include \
# Do not edit below this line #
#Include following generic make script
include $(TOOLSHOME)/erlang
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