example of makefile

Salvador Alcaraz Carrasco salcaraz@REDACTED
Fri Nov 30 00:47:27 CET 2001

Please, could you send me a example of makefile for  compile serveral
erlang files and .hrl files  (with dependencies).

For example:



file2.erl and file3.erl (these files depending of file1.hrl).

and beam file: myfile.beam

Thank you very much, from Spain

Salvador Alcaraz Carrasco                   http://www.umh.es
Division de Ingenieria Telematica           http://obelix.umh.es
Dpto. Fisica y Arquitectura de Computadores salcaraz@REDACTED
Universidad Miguel Hernandez                salcaraz@REDACTED
Avda. del ferrocarril, s/n                  Telf. +34 96 665 8495
Elche, Alicante (Spain)

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