Interesting benchmark performance (was RE: Pitiful benchmark perf ormance)

Sean Hinde Sean.Hinde@REDACTED
Mon Jun 18 01:05:15 CEST 2001

> This was interesting.
> Erlang strikes me as more and more human.  ;)
> I seem to function in the same way: when I have lots to do, I
> become more efficient; when I have little to do, I become very
> inefficient.

I too have this same scheduling quirk, although I would suggest the
mechanism is not quite the same as the Erlang runtime one..

> Seriously, Erlang *has been* highly optimized for the very type
> of systems where there are lots of things going on at once. This
> reflects on the I/O, for example, where Erlang tries to handle up
> to hundreds of active I/O ports fairly, rather than handling only
> one extremely well.

It says to me rather that Erlang is optimised for applications which are
sufficiently complex that at least 2000 reductions are required following
each external input or timeout. It seems to have little to do with just
general stuff going on, and that for many applications Erlang would be
otherwise superb at (web server, Mnesia based Online Transaction Processing
server) there is a significant penalty.

A small change to the runtime could mean that I don't have to run a busy
loop in the background to get better performance out of my remote mnesia

- Sean

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