gen_fsm:send_after | start_timer
Sean Hinde
Wed Jul 11 17:29:57 CEST 2001
> >apply_after(T, M, F, A) ->
> > erlang:start_timer(T, timer, {apply, M, F, A}).
> >
> >%% Permanent loop registered as {local, timer}:
> >
> >loop() ->
> > receive
> > {timeout, Ref, {apply, M, F, A}} ->
> > spawn_link(?MODULE, do, [M, F, A, self()]),
> > loop().
> >
> >do(M, F, A, Pid) ->
> > apply(M, F, A).
> > unlink(Pid).
> You will reduce the overhead, but add latency since all the
> timer functions must be serialized. This will force the
> requirement on the user of the timer to keep the function very
> short, which is sometimes inconvenient.
No, they are still spawned in their own process
> Also, I'd put a catch around the apply. ;)
Good point!
> Yes, but Erlang handles lots of extra processes exceedingly well.
> I wouldn't worry about the performance aspect, but memory could
> sometimes be a factor.
Hmm, OK.
I still like extending gen_fsm with timers. Timers are pretty key to most
protocol FSMs and this makes them extremely neat and safe for protocol
implementers, as well as giving maximum efficiency.
The attached new version of my patch adds a gen_fsm:cancel_timer which is
guaranteed to remove the timer even if already in the message queue (for
both send_after and start_timer, which is not possible with the normal
erlang:send_after/3). It also tidies up the sys:trace wording.
- Sean
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