Erlang, C, IC and asyncronous servers/clients

Kenneth Lundin kenneth@REDACTED
Tue Feb 27 15:30:03 CET 2001


I think there is an easy solution where you define 2 interfaces, one for
direction and use the same transportation channel for both.


Jouni Ryno wrote:
> The current IC-system seems to generated code only for cases, were
> communication is initiated from only one side. I would need to port
> some older code, which used IG in more asynchronous way (yes, I know,
> it was not completely safe).
> In detail I have
> Erlang side                C side
> raw telemetry    ->     data processing, packet detection
>                         when packet found from raw telemetry
>                  <-       packet_type_X
>                  <-       packet_type_Y
>                  <-         up to N packets
> C-process receives binary chunks from Erlang, whenever it finds a
> valid, complete packet, it sends it to Erlang-process for further
> distribution. The catch is, there's n packets to generate, so simple
> function return values is not adequate.
> At least the IC examples for C-server and -client don't allow this kind
> of two-way message sending.
> So to put it simply, is there a way to do it ?
> (and yes, the I could the processing in Erlang, but we also have to
> give out source code for colleagues to analyze data later. Erlang is
> used in real time situation )
>   Jouni Rynö                            mailto://
>   Finnish Meteorological Institute
>   Geophysical Research        
>   P.O.BOX 503                           Tel   (+358)-9-19294656
>   FIN-00101 Helsinki                    GSM   (+358)-50-5302903
>   Finland                               FAX   (+358)-9-19294603
>   "It's just zeros and ones, it cannot be hard"

Kenneth Lundin              Ericsson Utvecklings AB
kenneth@REDACTED     ÄT2/UAB/F/P
			    BOX 1505
+46 8 727 57 25 	    125 25 Älvsjö

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