XML.com article on Functional Programming and XML

Bijan Parsia bparsia@REDACTED
Thu Feb 15 23:10:29 CET 2001

Hey folks.

I've written an overview article on Functional Programming and XML for
XML.com, and it just came out!

One of the things I specifically plug is Erlang, e.g., XMerL, IDX/Mnesia,

The article is very light in tone and aimed toward tantalizing folks
unfamilar with FP. Please take a peek! And pass on any comments to me or
the folks at ORA. Positive or negative feedback welcome.

I'm hoping to produce some more hands-on Erlang articles for XML.com
(e.g., building a simple CMS on Inets, XMerL, and IDX/Mnesia), so if
anyone has suggestions, material, outlines for articles they'd like to
write :), drop me a line!

Bijan Parsia.

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