Alternative compiler messages

Bengt Kleberg qtxkleb@REDACTED
Thu Apr 26 07:39:23 CEST 2001

> From: Thomas Lindgren <thomasl@REDACTED>
> To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
> Subject: Alternative compiler messages
> Here's an alternative way of reporting compiler errors and warnings
> that I have found useful. What does it do?
> - Filename is reported once, rather than per compiler message. This
>   reduces clutter when absolute paths are used;

While the rest is absolutly marvelous (and something I use 'sed' to do
myself) there is a problem (for me) with this particular feature. My
user interface/editor uses the <filename>:<linenumber> information to
open the file at that line with 1 mouse click. Therefore I need the
filename right beside the line number to be able to get to the right
place to fix the problems.

Would you consider making it possible to turn on/off the different
features individually?

Bengt Kleberg

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