Language for service logic, was: RE: threads - use them as mu ch a s you can

Sean Hinde Sean.Hinde@REDACTED
Tue Nov 28 13:15:56 CET 2000

> As far as I know not JAIN but Parlay is already adopted by 
> 3gpp. Parlay is CORBA based, and could therefore support 
> other languages "as well as" Java.

This is true, and the 2.1 CORBA IDL for Parlay compiles almost perfectly
with IC (there is a single shadowed include which generates an error)

> However, the platform on which the services are supposed to 
> run (TelORB/Jambala) only supports C++ and Java. I don't see 
> anybody porting Erlang to it. And why should you want to do 
> it, when OTP provides all that TelORB provides?

Yes, OTP provides all that TelORB provides except:

* Full hardware and software 24*7 call out support via the local Ericsson
support agencies.

* c7 INAP, CAMEL Interfaces kept fully up to date with all the latest
changes in the standards.

* It seems to guarantee that if one service invocation goes haywire or
crashes this cannot affect any other invocations (even endless loop
scenarios are catered for with a max lifetime parameter).

I guess these are all pretty specific issues to my small application area
but they are certainly important.

It would be nice to see Erlang ported though :-)

Anyway I've already said too much I'm sure.

- Sean

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