Emulator stopping during mnesia writes

Hal Snyder hal@REDACTED
Thu May 11 22:28:45 CEST 2000

dgould@REDACTED writes:

> On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 01:33:40PM -0500, Scott Lystig Fritchie wrote:
> > I agree; it's a noble technique.  If process A has data that it wasn't
> > process B to write to disk, there's the pesky problem of getting the
> > data over to B first.  I've experimented with kludging shared memory
> > onto the VM's memory management scheme.  It works, at least under
> > light loads.  It remains to be seen if we'll actually use it, though.
> > 
> > -Scott
> Go for it. I would be happy to help at least, having done this sort of
> stuff for the DB engines in prior lives. Better yet, lets define an
> ideal api that lets naively written servers scale easily, ie perl,
> python, java, erlang, and I will see if I can hack it into the Linux
> kernel... Just looking for the right motivation.

Do soft updates in *BSD make this irrelevant? :)

If not, being a BSD user, I'd be interested to see how it works on
this side of the fence and help as time allows.

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