Cryto and SSL

Peter H|gfeldt peter@REDACTED
Tue Feb 15 11:31:47 CET 2000

> Excuse me if this has been asked before.  
> I'm trying to build erlang with crypto and ssl enabled, but the code seems
> to be missing in the lib/ssl directory.  What do I have to do to get it,
> or what am I doing wrong?
> I have built and installed SSLeay.
> Rusty
> --
> Rusty Conover        | rusty@REDACTED 
> Systems Programmer   | 406-586-5050 x242
> Zoot Enterprises     |  

Due to export control restrictions imposed by Swedish law, the Erlang ssl
application is excluded from the Open-source Erlang R6B-0 release.  There
is some hope that the restrictions will be abolished in the future. When
that happens, ssl will be included in the release.

Before you build crypto set the SSLEAY_ROOT variable appropriately in


Peter Högfeldt			e-mail  : peter@REDACTED
Open Telecom Platform

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