Running Erlang w/o an OS

Matthias.Lang@REDACTED Matthias.Lang@REDACTED
Thu Feb 3 17:42:20 CET 2000

 > I'm really interested on using Erlang on our embedded PPC processor. I'll
 > finish the RTEMS port soon (hopefully within a week, as time permits) and
 > work on porting the beam VM. If someone is already working on this, I'll
 > happily join the porting effort.

I'm not clear about what RTEMS is or what you're planning to do. As
far as I can tell from, RTEMS is some sort of real-time
OS with strong links to ADA and the US DOD.

Having said that, I'll to compile Erlang for linux on an embedded PPC
system (a PPC 860T) just as soon as I get a spare day. The plan is to
get gcc and PERL running on the board and then natively compile
Erlang, i.e. configure; make. I don't expect any large problems, but
then again... I'll announce here when I have something that works, in
case anyone is interested in binaries.


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