packet unstuffing.
Scott Lystig Fritchie
Tue Aug 8 23:53:24 CEST 2000
>>>>> "mt" == Mike Tilstra <conrad@REDACTED> writes:
mt> I must be missing something obivious. I'm trying to write a
mt> server that responds to requests over TCP. The request comes in a
mt> packed network byte order structure. How do I pull this apart?
Until the Erlang "bit syntax" arrives, you've got to do it yourself.
If the finished product looks like the research paper I've seen
(, Erlang will be a *really*
sweet language to develop byte- and bit-twiddling protocols.
Jim Larson and I are finally getting our collective acts together to
rerelease a Sun/ONC RPC package ... but it's probably worth sending
the basic XDR encoding & decoding functions to the mailing list now,
just in case someone else is in the same situation that Mike is.
A couple of notes:
* These functions are friendly with data in binary objects.
If you're dealing with byte lists, it's an exercise for the
reader to adapt the module.
* ONC/RPC XDR-encoded objects can have a variable length.
Accordingly, a decoding function must tell you were it left
off, in case you need to decode the next XDR-encoded object
within the binary. Each dec_* function is called with a
tuple {Binary, Position} and you get back a tuple
{DecodedObject, {Binary, NewPosition}}. This makes sense if
you're decoding a complex XDR data structure, e.g. (*)
dec_readargs(_1) ->
{_2,_3} = xdrlib:dec_byte_varray(_1,512),
{_4,_5} = xdrlib:dec_unsigned_int(_3),
{_6,_7} = xdrlib:dec_unsigned_int(_5),
... but is probably overkill for what Mike needs. Still, this
should be a sufficient illustration of what needs to be done.
(*) OK, so that example looks ugly. It's code automatically generated
by "erpcgen", part of the RPC package we inherited from Tony Rogvall
(thanks again!) and really will be recontributing to the community
really soon now, really. :-)
--- snip #1 of 2 --- snip #1 of 2 --- snip #1 of 2 --- snip #1 of 2 ---
%%% File : xdrlib.hrl
%%% Author : Tony Rogvall <tony@REDACTED>
%%% Purpose : XDR integer macros
%%% Created : 15 Aug 1997 by Tony Rogvall <tony@REDACTED>
list_to_binary([((X) bsr 24) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 16) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 8) band 16#ff, (X) band 16#ff])).
-define(enc_int(X), ?enc_unsigned_int(X)).
list_to_binary([((X) bsr 56) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 48) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 40) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 32) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 24) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 16) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 8) band 16#ff, (X) band 16#ff])).
-define(enc_hyper(X), ?enc_unsigned_hyper(X)).
if (X) == true -> list_to_binary([0,0,0,1]);
(X) == false -> list_to_binary([0,0,0,0])
--- snip #2 of 2 --- snip #2 of 2 --- snip #2 of 2 --- snip #2 of 2 ---
%% xdrlib.erl
%% XDR basic type encode/decode
%% Decode routines: dec({Binary,Pos}) -> {Value, {Binary,NewPos}}
%% Encode routines: enc(Elem) -> List
-compile([verbose, report_errors, report_warnings, trace]).
-export([enc_int/1, dec_int/1,
enc_unsigned_int/1, dec_unsigned_int/1,
enc_hyper/1, dec_hyper/1,
enc_unsigned_hyper/1, dec_unsigned_hyper/1,
enc_bool/1, dec_bool/1,
enc_float/1, dec_float/1,
enc_double/1, dec_double/1,
enc_byte_array/2, dec_byte_array/2,
enc_byte_varray/2, dec_byte_varray/2]).
-export([map/2, map_elem/3, map_velem/4]).
-export([clnt_call/5, io_list_len/1, enc_align/1]).
%% int
enc_int(X) ->
list_to_binary([((X) bsr 24) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 16) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 8) band 16#ff, (X) band 16#ff]).
dec_int({B, P}) ->
[X3,X2,X1,X0] = binary_to_list(B, P, P+3),
X = (X3 bsl 24) + (X2 bsl 16) + (X1 bsl 8) + X0,
if X3 >= 16#80 ->
{X - 16#100000000, {B,P+4}};
true ->
{X, {B,P+4}}
%% unsigned_int
enc_unsigned_int(X) ->
list_to_binary([((X) bsr 24) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 16) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 8) band 16#ff, (X) band 16#ff]).
%%XXXYYYXXX dec_unsigned_int({B, P}) ->
%%XXXYYYXXX {erlang:decode_unsigned_int(B, P), {B,P+4}}.
%%XXXYYYXXX {slf_exp:decode_unsigned_int(B, P), {B,P+4}}.
dec_unsigned_int({B, P}) ->
[X3,X2,X1,X0] = binary_to_list(B, P, P+3),
{(X3 bsl 24) + (X2 bsl 16) + (X1 bsl 8) + X0, {B,P+4}}.
%% hyper
enc_hyper(X) ->
list_to_binary([((X) bsr 56) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 48) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 40) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 32) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 24) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 16) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 8) band 16#ff, (X) band 16#ff]).
dec_hyper({B, P}) ->
[X7,X6,X5,X4,X3,X2,X1,X0] = binary_to_list(B, P, P+7),
X = (X7 bsl 56) + (X6 bsl 48) + (X5 bsl 40) + (X4 bsl 32) +
(X3 bsl 24) + (X2 bsl 16) + (X1 bsl 8) + X0,
if X7 >= 16#80 ->
{X - 16#10000000000000000, {B,P+8}};
true ->
{X, {B,P+8}}
%% unsigned_hyper
enc_unsigned_hyper(X) ->
list_to_binary([((X) bsr 56) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 48) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 40) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 32) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 24) band 16#ff, ((X) bsr 16) band 16#ff,
((X) bsr 8) band 16#ff, (X) band 16#ff]).
dec_unsigned_hyper({B, P}) ->
[X7,X6,X5,X4,X3,X2,X1,X0] = binary_to_list(B, P, P+7),
{(X7 bsl 56) + (X6 bsl 48) + (X5 bsl 40) + (X4 bsl 32) +
(X3 bsl 24) + (X2 bsl 16) + (X1 bsl 8) + X0, {B,P+8}}.
%% bool
enc_bool(true) -> list_to_binary([0,0,0,1]);
enc_bool(false) -> list_to_binary([0,0,0,0]).
dec_bool({B, P}) ->
case binary_to_list(B, P, P+3) of
[0,0,0,0] -> {false, {B,P+4}};
[0,0,0,1] -> {true, {B,P+4}}
%% Float [S=1 | E=8 | F=23]
%% X = (-1)^S * 2^(E-127) * 1.F
-define(FLOAT_BASE, 16#800000).
-define(FLOAT_BIAS, 127).
enc_float(X) when float(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?FLOAT_BASE, ?FLOAT_BIAS),
list_to_binary([ (S bsl 7) bor ((E bsr 1) band 16#7f),
((F bsr 16) band 16#7f) bor ((E band 1) bsl 7),
(F bsr 8) band 16#ff,
(F band 16#ff) ]).
dec_float({B, P}) ->
[X3,X2,X1,X0] = binary_to_list(B, P, P+3),
E = (X3 band 16#7f) bsl 1 + (X2 bsr 7),
F = (X2 band 16#7f) bsl 16 + (X1 bsl 8) + X0,
E == 0, F == 0 ->
{0.0, {B,P+4}};
X3 >= 16#80 ->
{-scale_float(E-?FLOAT_BIAS, (1 + F / ?FLOAT_BASE)), {B,P+4}};
true ->
{scale_float(E-?FLOAT_BIAS, (1 + F / ?FLOAT_BASE)), {B,P+4}}
%% Double [S=1 | E=11 | F=52]
%% X = (-1)^S * 2^(E-1023) * 1.F
-define(DOUBLE_BASE, 16#10000000000000).
-define(DOUBLE_BIAS, 1023).
enc_double(X) when float(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?DOUBLE_BASE, ?DOUBLE_BIAS),
list_to_binary([ (S bsl 7) bor ((E bsr 4) band 16#7f),
((F bsr 48) band 16#0f) bor ((E band 16#f) bsl 4),
(F bsr 40) band 16#ff,
(F bsr 32) band 16#ff,
(F bsr 24) band 16#ff,
(F bsr 16) band 16#ff,
(F bsr 8) band 16#ff,
(F band 16#ff) ]).
dec_double({B, P}) ->
[X7,X6,X5,X4,X3,X2,X1,X0] = binary_to_list(B, P, P+7),
E = (X7 band 16#7f) bsl 4 + (X6 bsr 4),
F = (X6 band 16#0f) bsl 48 +
(X5 bsl 40) + (X4 bsl 32) + (X3 bsl 24) +
(X2 bsl 16) + (X1 bsl 8) + X0,
E == 0, F == 0 ->
{0.0, {B,P+8}};
X7 >= 16#80 ->
{-scale_float(E-?DOUBLE_BIAS, (1 + F / ?DOUBLE_BASE)), {B,P+8}};
true ->
{scale_float(E-?DOUBLE_BIAS, (1 + F / ?DOUBLE_BASE)), {B,P+8}}
%% unscale a float return {Sign, Exponent, Fraction}
enc_ieee(X, Base, Bias) when X < 0 ->
{E,F} = unscale_float(-X),
{1, E + Bias, trunc((F-1)*Base)};
enc_ieee(X, Base, Bias) when X > 0 ->
{E,F} = unscale_float(X),
{0, E + Bias, trunc((F-1)*Base)};
enc_ieee(X, _, _) ->
{0, 0, 0}.
scale_float(E, M) when E >= 0 -> (1 bsl E) * M;
scale_float(E, M) -> 1/(1 bsl -E) * M.
unscale_float(X) when X == 1.0 -> {0, 0};
unscale_float(X) when X > 1.0 -> exp_down(X, 0);
unscale_float(X) when X < 1.0 -> exp_up(X, 0);
unscale_float(X) -> {0, X}.
exp_down(X, E) when X >= 2 -> exp_down(X / 2, E+1);
exp_down(X, E) -> {E, X}.
exp_up(X, E) when X < 1 -> exp_up(X * 2, E-1);
exp_up(X, E) -> {E, X}.
%% opaque[N]
enc_byte_array(Data, N) ->
Len = io_list_len(Data),
Len == N -> true;
true -> exit({xdr,limit})
list_to_binary([Data, enc_align(Len)]).
dec_byte_array({B, P}, 0) ->
%% Special clause to handle the case where P is past the
%% end of the binary.
{list_to_binary([]), {B, P}};
dec_byte_array({B, P}, N) ->
{B1, B2} = split_binary(B, P-1),
{B3, B4} = split_binary(B2, N),
%% Count carefully! Recall that P is a 1-based index.
{B3, {B, P+align(N)}}.
%dec_byte_array_string_flavor({B, P}, N) ->
% {binary_to_list(B, P, P+N-1), {B,align(P+N)}}.
%% variable byte array
enc_byte_varray(Data, Max) when integer(Max) ->
Len = io_list_len(Data),
Max >= Len -> true;
true -> exit({xdr, limit})
%% Rely on enc_unsigned_int() and enc_align to give us binaries.
%% Assume that Data is a binary, also. (Won't hurt if it isn't, though).
case Len rem 4 of
0 -> [enc_unsigned_int(Len), Data];
_ -> [enc_unsigned_int(Len), Data, enc_align(Len)]
enc_byte_varray(Data, max) ->
Len = io_list_len(Data),
%% Ditto.
case Len rem 4 of
0 -> [enc_unsigned_int(Len), Data];
_ -> [enc_unsigned_int(Len), Data, enc_align(Len)]
dec_byte_varray(R0, Max) when integer(Max) ->
{N,R1} = dec_unsigned_int(R0),
Max >= N -> true;
true -> exit({xdr, limit})
dec_byte_array(R1, N);
dec_byte_varray(R0, max) ->
{N,R1} = dec_unsigned_int(R0),
dec_byte_array(R1, N).
%% not dependant on lists !!!
rev([H|T], L) -> rev(T, [H|L]);
rev([], L) -> L.
enc_align(Len) ->
case Len rem 4 of
0 -> [];
1 -> list_to_binary([0,0,0]);
2 -> list_to_binary([0,0]);
3 -> list_to_binary([0])
%dec_align({B, P}) ->
% Len = dec_unsigned_int({B, P}),
% case Len rem 4 of
% 0 -> Len;
% 1 -> Len+3;
% 2 -> Len+2;
% 3 -> Len+1
% end.
% Increment the argument a minimal amount to bring it to a multiple of 4.
align(Len) ->
case Len rem 4 of
0 -> Len;
1 -> Len+3;
2 -> Len+2;
3 -> Len+1
%% io list length
%%%XXXYYYXXX io_list_len(L) -> erlang:iolistlen(L).
%%%XXXYYYXXX io_list_len(L) -> slf_exp:io_list_len(L).
io_list_len(L) -> io_list_len(L, 0).
io_list_len([H|T], N) ->
H >= 0, H =< 255 -> io_list_len(T, N+1);
list(H) -> io_list_len(T, io_list_len(H,N));
binary(H) -> io_list_len(T, size(H) + N);
true -> exit({xdr, opaque})
io_list_len(H, N) when binary(H) ->
size(H) + N;
io_list_len([], N) ->
%% map_elem(fun(R) -> call(R), R0, N)
map_velem(Fun, R0, max, N) ->
map_elem0(Fun, R0, N, []);
map_velem(Fun, R0, Max, N) when N =< Max ->
map_elem0(Fun, R0, N, []).
map_elem(Fun, R0, Size) ->
map_elem0(Fun, R0, Size, []).
map_elem0(Fun, R0, 0, L) ->
{rev(L,[]), R0};
map_elem0(Fun, R0, N, L) ->
{E,R1} = Fun(R0),
map_elem0(Fun, R1, N-1, [E|L]).
map(F, [Hd|Tail]) ->
E = F(Hd),
[E | map(F, Tail)];
map(F, []) -> [].
%% Rpc stuff
clnt_call(Clnt,Proc,Ver,Prog,Args) ->
gen_server:call(Clnt, {rpc,Prog,Ver,Proc,Args}).
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