record _info and guard record(X) seems to refuse variable as argument.

Ingela Anderton ingela@REDACTED
Tue Aug 8 12:50:32 CEST 2000

luc.taesch@REDACTED wrote:
> sorry , previsou posting was unclear.
> i mean, record_info refuse variable as table name.
Well, that is because all records are handled by the precompiler and
all reference to records are translated into tuples and tuple functions.
I had a similar problem where I wanted to be able to be able to
traverse a set of records creating lists with the record fields that
where not undefined. I solved the problem with help of the following
structure where I automatically generated the select function with an
appropriate fun.  

-record(header, {title, 
		 bold,  % true | false 

fields(header) ->
    record_info(fields, header);

select(Record, header, title) ->
select(Record, header, bold) ->
select(Record, header, title_align) ->
select(Record, header, title_valign) ->

/m.v.h Ingela

//The highway of life is always under construction. //

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