short host names

Peter Olin peter.olin@REDACTED
Thu Sep 30 15:38:36 CEST 1999

Could it possibly just be so simple that you don't have the
same cookie on the different nodes? 

(This is the default unless you somehow have specified a
cookie). You are not specifying a cookie on the command
line, so unless you have an .erlang.cookie file in your
working/home directory, the nodes will have different

erl -sname foo -setcookie ballerina
erl -sname bar -setcookie ballerina

(ballerina can of course be replaced with your favorite
cookie, like singoalla, brago_crackers or possibly
marie_crackers in case of an emergency. Try to stay away
from soft cakes though, an italian chocolate cake is a bit
on the fatty side :-)


Vance Shipley wrote:
> All,
> I don't seem to be able to communicate between two
> nodes on a machine when using short node names.  It
> works fine when I use long node names
> (e.g. erl -name foo).
> I start up a node on one terminal:
>         $ erl -sname foo
>         Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 47.4.1
>         Eshell V47.4.1  (abort with ^G)
>         (foo@REDACTED)1>
> Then start another on another terminal:
>         $ erl -sname bar
>         Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 47.4.1
>         Eshell V47.4.1  (abort with ^G)
>         (bar@REDACTED)1>
> Now I try to ping:
>         foo@REDACTED)1> net_adm:ping(bar@REDACTED).
>         pang
> Names doesn't work either:
>         (bar@REDACTED)2> net_adm:names().
>         {ok,[]}
> I ran epmd with debugging turned on an it looks like epmd
> is getting the requests and responding properly.
> This is all under my port to Unixware 2.1.3 so it could
> well be my port is incomplete but I don't know what to look
> for at this point.
>         -Vance


/Peter Olin (mailto:peter.olin@REDACTED)

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